Dan and I finally made the decision to add to our little family. It took about 5 months to get pregnant this time which was a little hard for me. I had waited so long and then once I finally made the decision I was ready for another child I just assumed I would conceive right away. In trying to get pregnant I got a little down and decided to eat everything in site, causing me to gain about 10 pounds before getting pregnant. I waited about 8 weeks before telling the family and the boys. We had a shirt made for grant which read "It's official! I'm not the baby anymore!" We wrapped the shirt up and had the boys open it. Noah was the one to read it and his face was priceless. He was so surprised and then Grant started jumping on the couch once Noah explained what the shirt meant. They were shocked, my mom had all yet given up on us! Michal was the first one to notice it and Grant tried to run away because he was supposed to be waiting outside until everyone arrived to my moms for Sunday dinner.

When I was 13 weeks along I decided to have 4D ultrasound for the gender reveal. I am not too sure why I did this since I had never done it before. I already knew it was a boy so why find out 7 weeks early when I could wait for the 20 week ultrasound- that way I could still be hopeful for a little girl. I seriously almost canceled the gender reveal since I was certain that it would be a boy and all my family would be there to witness me crying. Sure enough, this baby boy wasn't shy letting us ALL know he was in fact a BOY. Dan immediately grabbed my hand and then the water works started, by me not him! Still can't believe I didn't take any pictures but my sister said I was crying so they just thought I wouldn't want any pictures! After about 2 weeks I got over the fact that I wouldn't be having the experience of a little girl. I am truly so excited to have another boy. There something to be said when you have all the same gender, especially sweet boys who love their momma forever. I know boys, I don't do well with screaming, crying, drama, doing hair, getting up early to do a girls hair. Boys are easy, less maintenance, less drama, less money (until they start eating like men)! There needs to be better men in the world so I sure hope and pray I do right by them.

July- 3 months along (when the booty was bigger than the stomach)
August- 4 months along

We were so very lucky to capture this sweet boy sucking his thumb. Hopefully this one will actually take a pacifier and be a calm happy boy!
September- 5 months along